Please enjoy this video that explains a bit about why we love the Richmond Symphony Chorus!
Membership in the Richmond Symphony Chorus is by audition only. Auditions typically take place in August and mid-season auditions occasionally take place in December-January. Please visit the Auditions Details page for more information and to sign up for an audition.
The Chorus rehearses every Tuesday evening (generally 7:00-9:30) at Epiphany Lutheran Church, 1400 Horsepen Road, or Dominion Energy Center, 612 East Grace Street, in Richmond. The chorus usually performs several programs each year, with additional rehearsals taking place during performance weeks. Involvement in the Chorus goes far beyond these weekly rehearsals, however. We are avid fans and patrons of the Richmond Symphony. We participate in smaller (and larger) ensembles on a regular basis. We've also been spotted performing the National Anthem at Flying Squirrels, UR, and VCU games.
Want to hear from our members? Click here! To see the 2024-2025 chorus season, click here.